K1 Interview Preparation Course
Join our 20-minute assessment with our experienced teachers who specialize in interview preparation for international schools: GSIS, HKIS, CDNIS, CIS, FIS, and ESF. We offer customized preparation course to help your child develop language and social skills and enhance your children's vocabulary knowledge through a wide range of educational activities. Suitable for 18 months and above.
我們的幼稚園面試預備班由資深老師主理,為每個學生特設課程,幫助小朋友表達及應對,認知訓練,大小肌肉能力等。資深老師有多年經驗,熟悉國際學面試要求如GSIS, HKIS, CDNIS, CIS, FIS, and ESF,我們一月的星期六推出20分鐘免費評估班,有興趣請聯絡我們安排評估,適合18個月或以上。